Thomas Vitolo

Thomas Vitolo

NC State University

Dublin City University (DCU)


Tommy Vitolo is Brookline’s State Representative in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He had served as a Brookline Town Meeting Member for twelve years prior. As a Senior Associate with Synapse Energy Economics, Tommy has spent the past twelve years performing research and analysis within the energy industry as well as providing expert testimony before public utility commissions regarding the suitability of electric and gas company investments in power plants and transmission infrastructure and the appropriate value of residential- and utility-scale solar PV generation. Tommy is member of the Mitchell Scholar class of 2001 and received a Master’s of Science degree in Financial and Industrial Mathematics from Dublin City University. During his year in Ireland he met President Bill Clinton, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Minister of Education Marty McGuinness and several other political leaders. Tommy’s understanding of the role of politics in shaping society and the power of the political process in making change was forged through his conversations with political leaders, DCU classmates, and many others throughout his Mitchell Scholarship year. Tommy obtained his undergraduate degrees from NC State University, and subsequently earned a Ph D at Boston University in Systems Engineering.