Arsalan Suleman

Arsalan Suleman


Trinity College Dublin (TCD)


Arsalan is a counsel in Foley Hoag's International Litigation & Arbitration Practice. He primarily advises sovereign States and Stateowned companies in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central, South and Southeast Asia. During the Obama Administration, Arsalan served as Acting US Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Counselor for Multilateral Affairs in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the State Department. Arsalan is a 2004 Mitchell Scholar. He received a Master's Degree in International Peace Studies from Trinity. Combined with his undergraduate degree in International Politics from Georgetown and his law degree from Harvard, studying the conflict in Northern Ireland and the complexity of the peace process was an important link in his chain of preparation for a role in foreign policy. While in Ireland Arsalan also interned with the Fine Gael Spokesperson on Foreign Policy, Gay Mitchell. For Arsalan, freedom of expression and religion are issues of great importance in the development of democratic society. Arsalan obtained his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University.