Ryan Hanley
Johns Hopkins
Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Ryan is the CEO of Equilibrium Energy. Prior to that, was the General Manager of the Energy Platform at Shell where he led the development of Shell's software platform to control, optimize and monetize its global fleet of energy assets. Previous jobs include Chief Product Officer at Advanced Microgrid Solutions and VP of Grid Engineering Solutions at SolarCity in San Francisco.
Ryan is a 2005 Mitchell Scholar and received a Master's Degree in Preservation of Historic Buildings from Trinity College Dublin. Though Ryan's original focus was civil engineering, he taught an introductory business course for engineers at Trinity, sharing knowledge gained running a non-profit organization he founded as an undergraduate. While teaching business in Ireland, Ryan realized his future career had to be in an industry that would utilize both his business skills and his technological knowledge. He went on to attend business school at Berkeley where he launched a start-up company focused on smart-grid technology.
Ryan obtained his undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University.