Aaron Rabinowitz

Aaron Rabinowitz


National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)


Aaron Rabinowitz, is the Senior VP, General Counsel at the University of Maryland Medical School. Prior to that, he was Vice President and General Counsel for the Upper Chesapeake Health System.

Aaron is a 2006 Mitchell Scholar. He received a Master's Degree in Economic Policy Evaluation and Planning from the National University of Ireland, Galway. Aaron's thesis research examined the economics of physician-owned specialty hospitals and implications for patient care. Studying in Ireland gave him the opportunity to see the differences between the US and Irish approach to healthcare as both systems wrestle with the challenges of providing access to high quality care at reasonable cost. Following the completion of his scholarship year, Aaron attended Harvard University and received a joint JD/PhD in Health Policy.

Aaron obtained his undergraduate degree from Haverford College in Pennsylvania.