Franklin McMillan

Franklin McMillan

University of Chicago

Queen's University Belfast (QUB)


Living in Princeton, Frank is a Community Organizer with New Jersey Together. Prior to that, he worked as Community Organizer for the Virginia Affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation. He brings religious congregations and non-profit organizations together to advocate for change on social justice issues such as affordable housing, healthcare and immigration. Frank was involved in a campaign to hold a number of financial institutions accountable for their role in the foreclosure crisis in the United States. Frank is a 2008 Mitchell Scholar. He received a Master's Degree in Political Philosophy from Queen's University Belfast. Frank interned for the Participation and Practice of Rights Project, a human rights organization focused on social issues in North Belfast. Following the completion of his studies, he remained in Ireland and worked full time for the organization for an additional year. Frank's experiences as a community organizer in Northern Ireland inspired him to make this type of work the focus of his career. In the future Frank hopes to run a non-profit helping to make change on issues of importance to moderate and low income families, uniting people from different backgrounds and social strata to fight for common causes. Frank obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago.