Andrea Ó Súilleabháin
Notre Dame
Maynooth University
Andrea is the Executive Director of the Partnership for the Public Good, a community-based think tank providing research and policy support for 250 community partners in Buffalo, New York. She will be a visiting activist scholar at the Cornell Buffalo Co-Lab for the spring term (2021), teaching a course that looks at the roles community members and groups can play in public policy negotiations. Andrea previously worked for the International Peace Institute, where she influenced United Nations policy on peacebuilding and gender. A 2009 Mitchell Scholar, she studied Anthropology and Development at the NUI Maynooth. Andrea's research examined the experiences of refugees resettled in Ireland by the UN. After her first year of law school at NYU, she returned to Ireland as a summer legal intern with Doras Luimní, a non-profit organization working to support and promote the rights of migrants in Limerick and the surrounding area. Working so closely with refugees was of great value in preparing Andrea for client-based work throughout law school and convinced her of the need to include policy level work in her career. Andrea obtained her undergraduate degree from Notre Dame.