Christina Faust

Christina Faust

University of Georgia

Maynooth University


Christina completed her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton. She’s a NERC Indeendent Research Fellow, Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine at the University of Glasgow. Her areas of expertise are the evolution and epidemiology of infectious diseases. research focuses on the impact of anthropogenic change on pathogen transmission among multiple host species. Her current activities focus on how time since land conversion impacts spatiotemporal disease dynamics among small mammals in eastern Uganda. The ultimate aim of this research is to identify mechanisms driving transmission in a changing world and provide guidance on environmental solutions to reduce human disease risk. Christina is 2010 Mitchell Scholar. She studied Immunology and Global Health at Maynooth, where the curriculum focused on neglected tropical diseases and diseases prevalent in poorer countries. Christina hopes her work will inform the development of healthcare policy impacting entire populations in economically challenged regions of the world. She will continue to work towards the long term goal of eradicating malaria. Christina obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia.