Mohit Agrawal

Mohit Agrawal


National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)


Mohit and his wife Sam have moved to Nashville where Sam is an oncologist. Mohit is finishing his PhD in economics at Yale and will be joining the Nashville office of BCG next year. Before attending Yale, he spent two and half years as Deputy Policy Director to the Governor of Connecticut. Prior to that, he was a Rhodes Scholar studying statistics and business at Oxford University. His researched involved interrogating neurological research data using Bayesian statistical models. These skills will in time be applied to understanding highly complex sets of economic data.

Mohit is a 2012 Mitchell Scholar. He received an MA in Economic Policy Evaluation and Planning from NUI Galway. He credits studying in Ireland with broadening his perspective on the role of economic policy as he observed the impact of the global financial crises on Ireland and Europe. Coupled with his time working with Engineers Without Borders in Ghana, Mohit has experienced the economic challenges faced by both developed and developing nations.

Mohit is passionate about the importance of education in helping individuals and economies achieve their growth goals. Development and growth policy will be the focus of his PhD research. Long term he is interested in working internationally with one of the key financial organizations impacting global development and economic policy such as the IMF and the World Bank or domestically with the Federal Reserve or the Treasury Department.

Mohit obtained his undergraduate degree from Princeton.