Sanette Tanaka Sloan

Sanette Tanaka Sloan

Duke University

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)


Sanette works at Google as an Senior Interaction Designer of News for Google Search. She's based in New York City. She previously worked as a senior product designer on Vox Media's innovation and R&D team. Sanette completed her master’s degree program in Creative Digital Media at the Dublin Institute of Technology. As part of her degree, she designed and developed a highlighting and outlining iOS app for journalists called Leder. Prior to the scholarship, Sanette was a real-estate reporter at The Wall Street Journal. She credits her year in Ireland with giving her the opportunity to reinvent herself professionally. The program gave her the knowledge and skills required to create engaging digital experiences, such as mobile games, websites, and apps. She learned how to solve problems through design and development, and how she can apply that to the media world. A 2015 Mitchell Scholar, Sanette received an MSc in Creative Digital Media, with a focus on interaction design. Sanette obtained her undergraduate degree from Duke University.