Anjali Misra
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University College Cork (UCC)
Anjali Misra is a resident in Emergency Medicine at Mass General. She graduated from Harvard Medical School in May 2024. She founded https://www.futuredoctorsinpolitics.org. Prior to that, she served in NYC as Community Fellow for Girls Write Now. The organization runs writing mentorship programs for underserved high school girls. She worked on programming and community development, as well as spearheading efforts to produce a multimedia anthology featuring the girls’ writing. As a Mitchell Scholar Class of 2019, Anjali Misra studied Public Health at University College Cork. A native of Iowa, Anjali attributes her drive to become a medical doctor and founder of a global network of non-traditional health care programs to her familiarity with health disparities in rural areas. Throughout college, she served as an Emergency Medical Technician with MIT’s ambulance service and was a research fellow with Harvard Medical School’s Family Van, combatting preventable disease in vulnerable communities. A passionate advocate for CPR and First Aid education, Anjali provided training to nearly 1,000 individuals in Cambridge as the Director of Project HeartSafe. Anjali is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences.