Celia Hallan
Michigan State University
University College Dublin (UCD)
Celia Hallan is a Project Manager at Enel Green Power and before that was with EDP Renewables in Portland, Oregon. As a Mitchell Scholar Class of 2019, she studied Geography at University College Dublin. A Minnesota native, Celia is passionate about the environment, energy policy and climate change. She has authored and co-authored published papers in scientific journals on energy research and sustainability. Celia was awarded a merit scholarship that allowed her to study climate and sustainability in the Antarctic Peninsula and Argentina and has also studied in Costa Rica and the San Juan Islands. She co-founded the Spartan Sierra Club, which engages students at MSU in local and national environmental issues through service, and served as the Under-Secretary General of Crisis for her campus Model UN organization. Celia is a graduate of Michigan State University with degrees in International Relations and Environmental Geography.