Shauna Rust

Shauna Rust

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

University College Dublin (UCD)


Shauna has returned to the Senate as Health Policy Advisor to Senator Patty Murray. Prior to that, she was with the Health Resources and Services Administration in the Department of Health & Human Services, where she served as a senior policy advisor to the Administrator on health care programs. Before that, she was a Professional Staff Member covering the health care portfolio for the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, under Ranking Member Senator Jon Tester (D-MT). As a Mitchell Scholar Class of 2019, Shauna studied Public Policy at University College Dublin. While a Mitchell, she was doing research with Michael Harty TD and Charlie Larkin in the Irish Parliament (Oireachtas) on Sláintecare, the Irish health reform plan. Shauna previously worked as a Public Health Analyst at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) where she focused on access to care for underserved and vulnerable populations. As a college senior, she served as a fellow with the Roosevelt Institute, conducting research on youth tobacco use that informed a policy white paper, and her writing on public health and public policy was published by various outlets, including the New York Times. Her senior thesis on tobacco marketing disparities received highest honors from UNC and was published in the journal Health Education & Behavior. She also served as Co-President of the Campus Y: UNC’s Center for Social Justice, where she created the First-Year Council to introduce first-year students to social justice, advocacy, and organizing. Shauna is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with a degree in Health Policy and Management.