Makayla Haussler

Makayla Haussler


University College Dublin (UCD)


Makayla is is now studying for her JD at Columbia Law School. Before that, she lived near London, England, where she worked as a Legal Analyst with the international law firm McAllister Olivarius. She continues to work with Ireland’s Abortion Rights Campaign and has been a leading contributor on policy submissions to both the Irish and British governments, as well as the United Nations. Makayla completed the MA in Gender Studies at University College Dublin, where she studied the influence of American anti-abortion organizations in Ireland. Prior to her Mitchell year, she graduated from Yale University in 2019 with Latin honors and distinction in the Political Science major. Born and raised in Nebraska, she has been politically active since high school, working on reproductive rights and social justice issues. While at Yale, Makayla held various positions with the Yale College Democrats, served as chairwoman of a Yale student’s campaign for city council, and interned for Planned Parenthood. She earned a 2018 Truman Scholarship for her commitment to public service.