Amelia Steinbach

Amelia Steinbach

Duke University

University College Dublin (UCD)


Amelia Steinbach will work in D.C. before starting her studies at Harvard Law School. As a Mitchell Scholar, Amelia studied Gender, Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin. As an undergraduate at Duke University, she was an Alice M. Baldwin Scholar–a prestigious four-year women's leadership program meant to replicate the benefit of women's colleges within a liberal arts education. A Political Science major, she was the primary instructor of a course that explores the history of women in the American government and the disproportionate impact of various policies on women and girls. As the VP of Engagement for the Women in Politics club, she coordinated opportunities for students to support women in public service professions and led discussions between campus political groups. A member and former Chair of Duke's Honor Council, Amelia co-founded an annual women's rights film festival, which received an impact award from Duke's Women's Center. She also coordinated events and policy initiatives to address a variety of ethical issues. Amelia served as a research fellow for Kathy Manning's congressional campaign in North Carolina in 2018 and interned with U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) in 2019. After the internship, the Washington Post published her editorial detailing the lack of race and gender diversity in the Senate Judiciary Committee's expert witness hearings. The piece emphasized the responsibility that leadership and staff in both parties have in addressing this imbalance. She obtained her BA from Duke.