Rabhya Mehrotra
Dublin City University (DCU)
Rabhya Mehrotra will become Associate, Political Analysis and Communications for More in Common in NYC. She’ll be researching how to fight polarisation in America. She’ll also keep working with Dr. Jane Suiter (DCU's Institute Future of Media, Journalism and Society). As a Mitchell Scholar, she studied Political Communication at Dublin City University. She graduated from Yale with degrees in Computer Science and Political Science. Her passion lies in reforming democracy to empower citizens. In the summer of 2021, Rabhya lived in Iceland as part of the Program in Grand Strategy, studying the country’s 2010 constitutional reform process, which used citizen-drafters instead of politicians. She is preparing articles for publication on her findings. For her dual-major thesis, Rabhya used natural language models to analyze Icelandic political discourse around the constitution. In Ireland, she is eager to study successful citizens' assemblies. She is interested in Ireland’s “We the Citizens” project, which involved three Citizens Assemblies that led to change on same-sex marriage and abortion. She wants to see what America can learn from Ireland. She's also eager to use her coding skills for democracy reform. Living in Dublin, the technology capital of Europe, allows her to explore the burgeoning field of e-democracy. Rabhya’s interest in understanding how people create and deliberate opinions drove her activities at Yale. She served as Co-Opinion Editor at the Yale Daily News, creating the first independent Editorial Board. She also spent a gap semester reporting for the New Haven Independent. She served as Co-Director of the Yale Politics Initiative, bringing American political players for one-off seminars with students. She competed for the Yale Debate Association in American Parliamentary Debate and helped run the team's annual high school tournament.